Sense Making

I feel I have truly entered the world of making sense of ICT. I used to sit down to study, children all set, housework done, and then you know what I used to think. I might just check on facebook – and their lay my problem. I would sit and read posts just like reading the mail really. Now I am inspired!! With my new found knowledge of Feedly and Diigo I now find it much more useful to give a quick check of posts and something at least related to this course instead of scrolling through facebook. As with Jodie Howard  I feel like I have had a good break and am ready to tackle assessment 2- although I did have to reread Week 4 to make sure I was on the right track.  I found this interesting resource listing Blooms Taxonomy  and hope this will come in helpful!! I feel I am transforming my own knowledge to get the task done!!

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